Radha Govind Dham (RGDDC) is a 501 (C) non-profitable charitable organization meant for the spiritual growth and upliftment of seekers of the path of devotion to Radha Krishna.
The organization runs with donations that are tax deductible. RGDDC offers weekly Satsang, lectures by senior Preachers of Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj, Hindu festival celebrations and many other activities for kids, youth, and adults throughout the year. Our goal is to raise donations to cover the annual expenses.
Giving is the most precious human act. It is about creating a sustainable environment where every human being can survive and thrive. The art of giving teaches us to help others in attaining the path of Radha Krishna devotion, without expecting anything in return. All the activities run by RGDDC uphold this very spirit of giving.
Charity, or ‘Daan', the act of giving, is of tremendous importance in Hindu Sanatan Dharma, and it has been prevalent since the eternal scripture Ved. We encourage you to watch this video, Benefits of Donation, by Shri Kripalu Maharaj.
We humbly urge you to make a generous donation.